Saturday, April 16, 2011

Start reading, stop wishing

So here I am. Ready to jump into the world of day trading. An IT professional wanting to enter the club of the Wall St boys and if possible make a fortune out of it.

As a start, I have bought the following books to start learning Day Trading. Do let me know if you have any better .

  1. Financial Freedom through electronic day trading
  2. The New Day Trader Advantage
  3. The Teenage investor
  4. The 100 best stocks you can buy
  5. Trading for a living
  6. Finding the next star bucks
  7. Money,Markets and Derivatives
All together it is a $404.00 expenditure so let us see if I can at least make $404.00 out of my first investment.

I will be posting what ever I learn from these books and updating the blog with what ever information I gain. The aim is to track my learning curve from a complete start and see how it goes. Is the stock market the solution to escaping the rat race? We will see.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Junaid. I would also like to add few more books here. Trading is a vast domain. You can trade securities(a.k.a stocks, equities, shares etc), bonds, bank notes and derivatives.

    For derivatives trading i would highly recommends books by John Hull
